Quello che segue è il catalogo completo degli autori facenti parte del mio repertorio. Facendo clic sui nomi si avrà la possibilità di ascoltare le registrazioni che ho effettuato negli anni per la casa discografica Brilliant Classics con cui collaboro da oltre dieci anni.
What follows is the complete catalog of the composers that are part of my repertoire. Clicking on the names will give you an opportunity to listen to the recordings I have made over the years for the Brilliant Classics label with which I have been collaborating for over ten years.
- Absil, Jean (1893 – 1974)
- Åhslund, Ulf Göran (1939 – 2013)
- Asaf’ev, Boris Vladimirovic (1884-1949)
- Badings, Henk (1907 – 1987)
- Baev, Evgeny (1952)
- Barrios, Agustín (1885 – 1944)
- Biberian, Gilbert (1944 – 2023)
- Bellomo, Oscar (1980)
- Bogdanović, Dušan (1955)
- Brignolo, Ermanno (1981)
- Brouwer, Leo (1939)
- Castelnuovo-Tedesco, Mario (1895 – 1968)
- Cavallone, Franco (1957)
- Chassain, Olivier (1957)
- Dadone, Edoardo (1992)
- Delpriora, Mark (1959)
- Denisov, Edison (1929 – 1996)
- Dodgson, Stephen (1924 – 2013)
- Duarte, John W. (1919 – 2004)
- Dzhaparidze, Gherman (1939)
- Farkas, Ferenc (1905 – 2000)
- Filippini, Massimiliano (1975)
- Defranceschi, Carlo Francesco (1959)
- Franco, Alfredo (1967)
- Garrido, Edoardo (1975)
- Gilardino, Angelo (1941 – 2022)
- Gubaidulina, Sofia (1931)
- Harris, Albert (1916 – 2005)
- Ivanov-kramskoi, Aleksandr (1912 – 1973)
- Jiménez-Manjón, Antonio (1866 – 1919)
- José, Antonio (1902-1936)
- Kharisov, Vitaly (1962)
- Kikta, Valeri (1941)
- Koshkin, Nikita (1956)
- Kozlov, Victor (1958)
- Manén, Juan (1891 – 1976)
- Margola, Franco (1908 – 1992)
- Migot, Georges (1891 – 1976)
- Mortari, Virgilio (1902 – 1993)
- Paganini, Niccolò (1782-1840)
- Patachich, Ivan (1922 – 1993)
- Piana, Roberto (1971)
- Ponce, Manuel Maria (1882 – 1948)
- Porqueddu, Cristiano (1975)
- Sauguet, Henri (1901 – 1987)
- Swierkosz-Lenart, Kevin (1988)
- Poplyanova, Elena (1961)
- Rebay, Ferdinand (1880 – 1953)
- Rózsa, Miklós (1907 – 1995)
- Rudnev, Sergei (1955)
- Scott, Cyril (1879 – 1970)
- Smith-Brindle Reginald (1917 – 2003)
- Sor, Fernando (1778 – 1839)
- Stingl, Anton (1908 – 2000)
- Surinach, Carlos (1915 – 1997)
- Tansman, Alexandre (1897 – 1986)
- Uhl, Alfred (1909 – 1992)